solve your doubts

What differences are there between butane gas and propane gas?


The main differences between the two energies lie in their liquefied temperatures; their transition from the gaseous state to the liquid state. While propane liquefies at 44º below zero, butane liquefies at 0º.

Thus, environmental conditions influence the storage of each product. Propane is ideal for cold areas or outdoor facilities, and butane, for indoor installations or warmer areas.

What should I know about bottles of propane and butane gas?


Propane is a hydrocarbon, composed of hydrogen and carbon, extracted from oil in refining operations or from natural gas and associated gases, in oil fields.

In its natural state, propane gas is gaseous, but liquefies when exposed to room temperatures and under low pressure, reducing its volume up to 250 times, making it possible to handle, store and transport.

Propane gas, in its gaseous state, weighs twice as much as air; and in liquid state, half that of water. It is an energy source that has a higher calorific power and can reach a flame temperature of about 1,900ºC in air and 2,800ºC in oxygen.

For combustion to be optimal, propane must always remain in its gaseous state. As it liquefies starting at 44º below zero, it is ideal for outdoor installations and in cold areas, where it never liquefies.

Because propane gas is odorless and colorless in its natural state, as a security measure sulfur derivatives are added to it to detect possible leaks, due to its characteristic odor.

Another important characteristic of propane is that it is not toxic, it burns clean. It does not produce smoke or soot in combustion and it thereby preserves the environment.

What is the price of butane and propane gas bottles?


Cepsa’s bottled gas containers are lighter than the traditional ones, and their prices may vary depending on the distribution area or service station where they are purchased. For more information on pricing, contact your nearest distributor or request information here.

What is the price of a bottle of butane and propane?


Cepsa’s bottled gas cylinders are lighter than traditional ones, and their prices may vary depending on the distribution area or Service Station where they are purchased. For more information about the price, contact your nearest distribuitor or request information here.

What are liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)?


Liquefied petroleum gases or LPG are classified into two types known to all, butane and propane. They are obtained in the first step of the oil refining process and can also be found as part of natural gas.

What are liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)?


Liquefied petroleum gases or LPG are classified into two types known by all, butane and propane. These are obtained in the first step of the oil refining process and can also be found as part of natural gas.

Where can I buy bottled butane and propane?


You can get them through our website, from the Cepsa application, or at Cepsa Service Stations.
